A multicast-unicast bridge is available, and it provides connectivity to those sites without multicast support. This kind of connectivity is provided to the following rooms:
Rooms with multicast-unicast bridge of CESGA's room server:
Venue Server Lobby
Rooms with multicast-unicast bridge support of the University of Vigo's room server
Venue Server Lobby
New rooms will be soon added to this list.
Multicast Beacon
A Multicast Beacon was established in order to help to check the multicast connectivity among the different nodes. The technical data to connect with it are the following:
CENTRALSERVERNAME: agserver.cesga.es
PORT: 10002
Multicast-unicast bridge on demand
In the web address http://agserver.cesga.es:9095 you can access the web interface that will allow you to create a multicast-unicast bridge on demand not only for generic sessions but also for RTP/RTCP sessions. In this case, it will allow us to choose, among all the multicast flow streams, those relevant to us, being able to economize all the bandwidth when it is necessary.
In order for it to work properly, the destination IP address of the traffic re-send.
AccessGrid mailing list
A mailing list about this technology was created to inform about the different problems and innovations that arise.
To join this mailing list, please contact:
Contact information
For any doubt about availability or interest about this infrastructure please send your questions to .