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Esta web solo se mantiene con el fin de servir como histórico de noticias, cursos, ofertas de empleo publicadas, etc.. y/o documentación.

CESGA-Centro de Supercomputación de Galicia
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Centro de Supercomputacion de Galicia

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"Diez razones para diseñar una web accesible" PDF E-mail
Ciclo de Conferencias ISOC, o próximo xoves 21 ás 18:00 h.
Lugar e  Centros de retransmisión, consulta.
Last Updated ( 12.02.2008 )
Conference "The New Generation in Strongly Correlated Electron Systems" PDF E-mail
The second edition of the international conference "The New Generation in Strongly Correlated Electron Systems", aimed at young scientists, will be held in Santiago de Compostela on 3-8 July 2011, to promote collaboration between emerging researchers in the field. Deadline for abstracts submission is March 15th, 2011. Deadline for registration is May 15th, 2011.
Last Updated ( 23.12.2010 )
O CESGA colabora na execución dun test Grid con participantes españois e iberoamericanos PDF E-mail
O CESGA participou nas probas dunha nova aplicación Grid capaz de determinar de forma automática hipersuperficies de enerxía potencial molecular. Dita aplicación permite o tratamento de moléculas de tamaño arbitrario.
O CESGA implementa un contorno virtual para mellorar a calidade de vida das familias con persoas con diversidade funcional.

Máis información
Last Updated ( 29.01.2008 )
International Conference: "Numerical Methods for Hyperbolic Equations: Theory and Applications" PDF E-mail
The Faculty of Mathematics of Santiago de Compostela will held on 4-8 July 2011 the international conference "Numerical Methods for Hyperbolic Equations: Theory and Applications ", in recognition of the contribution of Professor E.F. Toro to education and training in numerical methods for PDEs (Partial Differential Equations). Deadline for submissions is March 6th, 2011.
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Results 154 - 162 of 297
Master HPC


PRACE Award 2009

Itanium Alliance Award

Gelato´s Member

Acreditación EUGridPMA

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