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Inicio » Novas » Xeral » EGEE posts open at CERN

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EGEE posts open at CERN PDF E-mail
CERN has started to open posts for the different EGEE activities for which it will receive EU additional funding.
These posts will cover NA1, NA2, NA4, NA5, SA1 and JAR1. All the posts will be available to all CERN member states national and have a duration of 2 years (renewable for another 2 years in case of extension of the project).

This will be another very effective way for many of our partners to contribute their skills to those areas where the center of activity will be at CERN and foster a good transfer of knowledge and experience within the consortium.
Please access the CERN standard WEB page and follow the links to job vacancies (e.g.
Please get in touch directly with the head of the above activities for any further detail.
Master HPC


PRACE Award 2009

Itanium Alliance Award


Membro de Gelato

Acreditación EUGridPMA

Dominio galego

ALERTA VIRUS MENSUAL :: Telf.: +34 981 569810 - Fax: 981 594616 :: Avda. de Vigo s/n 15705, Santiago de Compostela.