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CESGA-Centro de Supercomputación de Galicia
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Centro de Supercomputacion de Galicia

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Distance Education and Video conferencing PDF E-mail
Distance Education and Video conferencing
The services that CESGA offers to their users in the e-Learning field are:

Design, implementation and evaluation of e-Learning projects:
These services can be classified in:
  • Initial requirement analysis of the proposal.
  • Design of technological solutions adapted to these requirements.
  • Development of models to test the proposed solutions.
  • Monitoring and technical assistance in the implementation stage of the project.
The process usually works this way: After the presentation of an e-learning project from the part of the user, CESGA experts evaluate the human resources, didactic method, and technological (hardware and software) needs of the project. Later, they propose solutions to answer those aspects. The proposed solutions are then tested and validated. During the implementation stage, CESGA experts monitor the project development and provide technical assistance when necessary.

E-Learning rooms
1. Learning management system(LMS) "CESGA room"
2. Video-conference systems
  • Video-conference via web
  • Video-conference via RDSI or IP.
  • Multicast video-conference: MBone.
  • Video-conference via VRVS.
3. Broadcasting of events
  • Real-Time Streaming
  • Recorded Streaming
  • High Quality Video Streaming.
4. E-Learning distribution list
5. Forum
6. Web-log
7. E-Learning news
8. Didactic Material
9. Training courses

  • Evaluation/Assessment of Needs
  • Planning
  • Training
  • Process Evaluation of the Project

Evaluation/Assessment of Needs:

In the evaluation process all elements that compose the project will be assessed: aims, user needs, technological infrastructure, human resources, timing, methodology, etc. Trying to guarantee the fulfillment of the anticipated objectives and the validity of the project results.

Once we agree on the kind of project to be made, we must then analyze what technological resources fit the project best, and what the best option is for its implementation. In case of using e-learning rooms, other elements must be taking into account:
  • Number of Rooms which will be used.
  • Ratio: number of students per Room (two maximum per job is recommended)
  • Number of teachers and their location, experience with ICT, etc.
  • Timing and location of the experience.
  • Content, work methodology, etc.


From the needs are the objectives defined; from these, the content is devised and taking the objectives as a base and content, we will design the methodology and the didactic material.
  • Objectives
  • Content
  • Methodology
  • Didactic Material
  • Technological Resources

CESGA offers their users training in the use of video-conference and multimedia equipment. It also offers software orientations with e-Learning uses. Training is aimed at those users who manifest their wish to develop a particular e-Learning project. Users can mail us at to apply for training.

Process Evaluation of the Project:

The evaluation and continuous monitoring of the project seeks the development of a feedback among all the professionals involved with the project. This way, the evolution of the research is optimized and at the same time, possible problems are reduced.

  • Avaliación de Necesidades
  • Planificación
  • Formación
  • Avaliación procesual do proxecto

Avaliación de Necesidades:

Na avaliación de necesidades valóranse tódolos elementos que integran o proxecto, tendo en conta os obxectivos, as necesidades dos usuarios/as, infraestructura tecnolóxica, recursos humanos, temporalización, metodoloxía, etc... garantindo no posible o cumprimento dos obxectivos previstos e a validez dos resultados do proxecto.

Unha vez que temos claro o tipo de proxecto a realizar debemos analizar que recursos tecnolóxicos son os máis axeitados para o mesmo, e cal sería a mellor opción de integración se fora preciso.
No caso de utilizar as Aulas de TeleEnsino, outros elementos a ter en conta serían :
  • O número de Aulas que se van utilizar
  • A ratio: número de alumnos/as por Aula (recoméndase como máximo dous por posto de traballo)
  • Número de docentes e a súa localización, experiencia coas TIC, etc.
  • Temporalización e localización da experiencia
  • Contidos, metodoloxía de traballo, etc.


A partir das necesidades defínense os obxectivos; en función destes determínanse os contidos e tomando como base os obxectivos e os contidos deseñarase a metoloxía e os materiais didácticos.

  • Obxectivos
  • Contidos
  • Metodoloxía
  • Material Didáctico
  • Recursos Tecnolóxicos


O CESGA ofrécelles aos seus usuarios/as formación na utilización dos equipos de videoconferencia e en equipos multimedia, así como orientacións sobre software destinado a usos de TeleEnsino. Normalmente a formación vai dirixida a aqueles usuarios/as que expresan o seu desexo de desenvolver un proxecto concreto de TeleEnsino. Para solicitar formación os usuarios/as pódense dirixir a:  .

Avaliación procesual do proxecto:

A avaliación formativa e continua do proxecto ten como obxectivo proporcionar unha retroalimentación entre todos os profesionais inmersos no desenvolvemento do mismo optimizando a evolución da investigación e ó mesmo tempo reducindo os problemas que poidan xurdir.


Last Updated ( 01.12.2005 )
Master HPC


PRACE Award 2009

Itanium Alliance Award

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