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CESGA-Centro de Supercomputación de Galicia
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Simulation services

CESGA provides computing servers of different architectures to allow researchers to pick up the architecture which suits their computing needs best.
Computing systems installed in CESGA:

  • FINIS TERRAE: to access it, type the command: ssh
  • SVG: to access it, type the command: ssh
  • HPC 320: to access it, type the command: ssh
  • SUPERDOME: to access it, type the command: ssh
  • GRID: to access it, type the command: ssh
  • History


Internal communications in the Center are made on ATM, ETHERNET and GIGABIT ETHERNET networks.

These machines were co-financed by Xunta de Galicia, CSIC, ICYT and FEDER.

Technical Details of the Installed Systems


Architecture Cluster SMP NUMA
Number of Processors 2.528
Type of Processor Intel IA 64 Itanium  2 Montvale Dual Core 1.600MHz(6.4 Gflops)
Peak Performance 15.360 GFLOPS
Interconnect Infiniband 4x DDR 20 Gbps
Memory 19.670 GB
Disc 390.000 GB
OS Unix, Linux, Windows
Year Installed 2007

HP Cluster Superdome

Architecture 2 nodes SMP Cluster
Number of Processors 128
Type of Processor Intel Itanium2, 1500 MHz, 6 Mbytes cache
Peak Performance 768 GFLOPS
Interconnect Infiniband
Memory 384 GBytes
Disc 7 Terabytes
Year Installed 2003



Compaq HPC 320

Architecture Cluster of 8 SMP servers
Number of Processors 32
Type of Processor Alpha EV68 1 GHz
Peak Performance 64 GFLOPS
Interconnect Memory Channel Dual Rail
Memory 80 GB
Disc 2 TB
OS Tru64
Year Installed 2002



Architecture PC Farm (Self Made), Beowulf Cluster
Number of Processors Over 96 processors
Type of Processor Intel Pentium III 1GHz up to P4 3,2 GHz
Peak Performance 528 GFLOPS (nodo CESGA)
Interconnect Myrinet and Gigabit Ethernet
Memory 512 MB - 1GB per node
Disc 9 up to 160 GB per node (over 12TB global)
OS Linux
Year Installed 2000 (first stage)



Architecture Blades Dell PowerEdge 1955
Number of Processors 40
Type of Processor Intel quad-core:
  36 Intel Xeon 5130 1.6GHz
  4 Intel Xeon 5355 2.66GHz
Peak Performance 2183 GFLOPS
Interconnect Gigabit Ethernet
Memory 4GB  (nodes Xeon 5130)
8GB  (nodes Xeon 5355)
Disc SAS 73.4GB (nodes 5130)
2x SAS 73.4GB (nodes 5355)
OS Linux
Year Installed 2007

Last Updated ( 11.07.2011 )
Master HPC


PRACE Award 2009

Itanium Alliance Award


Gelato´s Member

Acreditación EUGridPMA

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