Here we present a series of videotutorial intended to facilitate a more efficient use of the tools installed in the computing servers at CESGA.
In order to formulate questions, solve doubts or request the production of new videotutorials dealing with topics of common interest to users please send your messages to
- Introduction (Carlos Fernández Sánchez)
Lasts: 10:20'

Title: Introduction to hardware, architecture and access queues (voice over available only in Spanish).
Summary: Introduction to the presentation.
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- Hardware (Carlos Fernández Sánchez)
Lasts: 06:29'
Title: Hardware (voice over available only in Spanish).
Summary: Hardware overview.
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- System Architecture (Carlos Fernández Sánchez)
Lasts: 23:15'
Title: Arquitectura (voice over available only in Spanish).
Summary: Overview of system and processor architecture.
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- Access Queues (Carlos Fernández Sánchez)
Lasts: 06:58'
Title: Access queues (voice over available only in Spanish).
Summary: Overview of access queues.
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- File system (Carlos Fernández Sánchez)
Lasts: 02:35'
Title: File system (voice over available only in Spanish).
Summary: File system overview.
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- Supercomputers available in 2011 (Carlos Fernández Sánchez)
Lasts: 01:50'
Title: Supercomputers available in 2011 (voice over available only in Spanish).
Summary: Supercomputers available in 2011
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- User portal (Carlos Fernández Sánchez)
Lasts: 03:57'
Title: User portal (voice over available only in Spanish).
Summary: User portal overview.
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- Planned Improvements (Carlos Fernández Sánchez)
Lasts: 01:47'
Title: Planned improvements (voice over available only in Spanish).
Summary: Improvements planned for 2011.
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- Introduction to aplications and compilers (Aurelio Rodríguez)
Lasts: 02:49'
Title: Introduction to applications and compilers (voice over available only in Spanish).
Summary: Intro to the applications section.
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- Applications (Aurelio Rodríguez)
Lasts: 10:01'
Title: Applications (voice over available only in Spanish).
Summary: Applications installed and to be ported to SVG.
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- Compilers and libraries (Aurelio Rodríguez)
Lasts: 27:23'
Title: Compilers and libraries (voice over available only in Spanish).
Summary: Installed compilers and libraries.
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- How to use de modules tool
Title: How to use the modules tool (voice over only available in Spanish).
Summary: Introducing the modules tool for the management of applications.
Title: Use of the modules tool voice over only available in Spanish).
Summary: The basic tasks that can be performed with this tool are explained: loading/unloading applications and visualizing modules.
Title: Introduction. Loading Intel Compiler Modules (voice over only available in Spanish).
Summary: How to use of the modules tool to load the desired Intel modules.
Title: Examples (voice over only available in Spanish).
Summary: Description of use cases of Intel compilers (icc, icpc, ifort) for different programming languages.
Title: Sources of help (voice over only available in Spanish).
Summary: How to use "man" help pages and help at
Title: Introduction (voice over only avaliable in Spanish).
Summary: Introducing the Portland Group compiler suite, different versions of which are available in the SVGD server.
Title: Examples (voice over only available in Spanish).
Summary: Showing examples of how to compile source code written in C, C++ and Fortran in the SVGD server using the PGI family of compilers.
Title: Help (voice over only avaliable in Spanish).
Summary:Showing you where to find help and some advanced functions of the PGI suit of compilers: GPU support, debugging, High Performance Fortran.