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CESGA-Centro de Supercomputación de Galicia
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Centro de Supercomputacion de Galicia
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With the development of new telematics technologies goes along the evolution of the learners' role from passive recipients of information to active explorers of knowledge. Modern information and communication technology (ICT) provides tools to design a flexible environment adaptable to individual requirements and student profiles.

The challenge to offer more than a traditional classroom extended over space constitutes the background for CESGA's approach for the design and installation of its "teleteaching classrooms". They aim to include innovative learning concepts that are student centered, allow to select the appropriate technology according to content and context and support peer-to-peer as well as teacher-student interaction.

The network of teleteaching classrooms CESGA is operating is highly flexible and allows for a wide variety of teaching scenarios like remote tutoring, distance lecture, peer study, etc. The classrooms are connected over the high-speed ATM network (RECETGA) maintained by CESGA.

There are seven classrooms available that are used mainly by researchers and faculty of the Galician Universities. One of the classrooms is located at CESGA, the others are at the seven University Campus of the 3 universities in Galicia.

The classrooms are equipped with 6-10 Multimedia PCs, desktop and room based videoconferencing, and an electronic whiteboard (SMART Board). Mobile videoconferencing equipment (H.320 and H.323) is also available.

More information (in Spanish):
10-10-05 Software das Aulas de TeleEnsino
06-09-05 Ratio das Aulas de TeleEnsino
06-09-05 Horario das Aulas de TeleEnsino
27-08-04 Hardware Aulas de TeleEnsino
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Master HPC


PRACE Award 2009

Itanium Alliance Award


Gelato´s Member

Acreditación EUGridPMA

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