The CPU time, memory and space on disk resources of CESGA's batch queues are not enough for my jobs, what can I do? |
 | There is a possibility of applying for additional resources through the access to some special queues for jobs justifying the use of these resources. The way to apply for the access to these queues is by sending an application form where the additional resources needed are described, and the need to use them for the development of your job/project is justified. You must send it via e-mail to or via ordinary mail to the attention of the Systems Department. Once this information have been analyzed and if it is appropriate, they will answer the user that made the application, giving him/her access to the resources applied for, if it is possible.
Os recursos de tempo de CPU, memoria e/ou espazo en disco das colas do CESGA non son suficientes para o meu traballo, ¿que podo facer?
Existe a posibilidade de solicitar recursos adicionais mediante o acceso a unhas colas especiais para traballos que xustifiquen a utilización destes recursos. O modo de solicitar o acceso a estas colas especiais é mediante o envío vía e-mail a ou correo ordinario á atención de sistemas, no que se describa os recursos adicionais que precisa e se xustifique a necesidade de utilizalos no desenvolvemento do seu traballo/proxecto. Unha vez analizada esta informacion e se procede, contestarase ao usuario que faga a solicitude, dándolle o acceso aos recursos que solicita, se procede.