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ISO 9001:2008



SIAM - Environmental Information Sistem of Galicia.
PDF E-mail

Period : 11 / 1999 - 12 / 1999
Responsible : José Manuel Pereira. Consellería de Medio Ambiente. Xunta de Galicia. José Antonio Souto. CESGA
  • Francisco Serrallé. Project Manager. Environmental Regional Ministry.

  • José Saá. Environmental Regional Ministry.
  • Claudia Engel, Eva Pereira, Carlos Fernández Balseiro, Francisco Landeira, Emilio Abad, José Carlos Pérez, Jesús Ramírez. CESGA Miguel Romaní. Computer Associates.

Description :

The Galician Environmental Information System (SIAM) aims to provide the access to environmental information at two levels:

Internet: Environmental information that is accesible to everybody, so that it gets around citizens. There will be information available according to the current information requests relating to environment in Galicia. The information will be showed with a friendly user interface, including maps, graphs, etc.

Intranet: Information management, with the contents that will be incorporated gradually, carried out by Dirección Xeral technicians.

The Environmental Information System guide is composed of the following hardware and software:

- Database server, with Solaris O.S. (UNIX). An object database, Jasmine, is used. A geopraphic information system (GIS), ArcView, is also installed in this server.

- IIS Web server, with Windows/NT O.S.

The installation of two different servers, and a firewall, is justified for reasons of security of the data stored in the database.

Last Updated ( 08.11.2005 )
Master HPC


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