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Period : 10 / 2003 - 12 / 2004
Budget : 997.459 euros
Budget cesga: 110.675 euros
Responsible : Ramón Basanta

Description :

e-AQUA project consists of Analysis penetration of ICT and promotion of e-commerce within the SMEs belonging to the aquaculture strategic sector of the Atlantic area. The project will be developed according to the following three coordinated steps: 1- Observatory: Analysis of ICT penetration and usage in the aquaculture sector of the Atlantic area. On this first stage, a research about the current status and possibilities of developing e-commerce in the Atlantic aquaculture sector will be developed. The aim is to gain reliable knowledge of the degree to which Internet and e-commerce have been deployed by SMEs and are operative in the participating Atlantic regions. 2- Training: According to the outcome of the previous research, structured training courses and/or seminars will be organised. Depending on the research results of the first step, course programs will be specifically adapted to satisfy the current aquaculture SMEs requirements with regards to e-commerce and main ICT issues. 3-ICT Consultancy: Feasibility assessment for the implementation of e-commerce in a precise number of Atlantic regional SMEs.

Master HPC


PRACE Award 2009

Itanium Alliance Award

Gelato´s Member

Acreditación EUGridPMA

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