Comerci@ - E-payment methods and e-commerce in micro enterprises.
Period : 10 / 2003 - 10 / 2004
Budget : 76.298 euros
Budget cesga: 53.623 euros
Partners: APE
Responsible : Ramón Basanta
Ramón Basanta
Jesús Arribi Vilela
Description :
Retail trade in Galicia is characterized by a high degree of atomization, heterogeneity and dispersion. There is also a massive rejection to the use electronic payment means, mainly due to the high commissions applied when using cards. These facts, jointly with the threats that represent the superstores (wider schedules, better negotiation ability for supply purchases, etc.), come out in a set of risks and short term threats for the sector. In the same way, innovation is not encouraged at all with this situation.
Therefore, given the importance of retail trade in Galicia, the objective of this project is to carry out a detailed study to help the deployment of the Information and Communication Technologies within this sector. This work will be carried out taking in account the particularities specifities of the merchant, in a reasonable and coherent manner .
This study will contemplate, among other points, the impact that introducing ITC in the retail traders’ business processes has. Once the trader’s needs have been identified, the most appropriate ITC solutions should be brought out. This will permit the retailers to adopt those instruments that better fulfil their demands, improving their situation in the market.