FOTOQ1 - Photochemical models of atmospheric pollutants
Period : 06 / 1995 - 05 / 1996
Partners: C.T. As Pontes, Endesa, S.A. Dpto. de Enxeñería Química, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela ,CGRER, University of Iowa, USA
Tomás Lucas, ENDESA.
José A. Souto, CESGA.
José Carlos Fernández Balseiro, CESGA.
Mª del Rosario Méndez Gil, USC.
Description :
The goal of this project is to consider the influence of the changes expected or implied in the emissions into the atmosphere from the Solar Power Tower of As Pontes (C. T. As Pontes) considering primary and secondary polluting levels in the air, rain water and soil remains, and taking into account transport mechanisms, transformation and deposition, as well as meteorologic and pollution conditions existing in this environment.
In the initial stages of this project , a reactive plume (CRPM) was applied to reduce the reactions of the cycle NO-N02-03 inside the plume which was sent out by C.T. As Pontes in such a way that the emission capacity of NO+NO2 was verified to consume O3, 30 Km around the tower. Dr Jordi Vilà Guerau de Arellano, from the Politechnic University of Cataluña collaborated in this project.
A photochemical model STEM II is being applied. Professor Gregory Carmichael's team, from the University of Iowa developed this model to reproduce the changes undergone by the principal pollutants emited by C.T. As Pontes, and especially SO2 (gas and water). This project will spread to the cell EMEP 17,6 which contains it.
This study is found within the PARADOX project, also shared by the groups of Professor Carlos Herrero (University of Santiago de Compostela) and Professor Dario Prada (University of A Coruña).
The activities carried out by this project support the Group of Photochemical Modelation for the Critical Load Project, also shared by Endesa, Inima, CIEMAT, UNESA and Iberdrola.
Distribution of ozone and estimation of the scope of the plume of sulfur dioxide (a minimum of 10 micrograms per cubic metre) around the Solar Power Tower of As Pontes.