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CLIMA - Uncertainty analysis in CCM models
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Period : 12 / 1995 - 12 / 1998
Partners: Financed by the Science and Technology Interministerial Commission (CICYT). Chemical Engineering Deparment and Edafology and Agricultural Chemistry Department. Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (USC).
Responsible : José Antonio Souto González. CESGA.
  • Juan J. Casares Long, Carlos Fernández Sánchez, José Antonio Fortes Rodríguez, V. Pérez Muñizuri and Felipe Macías Vázquez (coordinador).
  • CESGA and Universidad de Santiago de Compostela.

Description :


- C. Fernández Sánchez. «Simulación Climática e Quentamento do Planeta». Dixitos, outubro 1998, pp. 4-5.

- Fernández, C., J.A. Souto, J.J. Casares

«Aplicación de técnicas de diferenciación automática al análisis de sensibilidad de un modelo climático de circulación general». Paper presented for its publication at the Reunión Científica Hispano-Cubana para Análisis de la Variabilidad y Predicciones Climáticas, Salamanca, 26-28 November 1997.

- Agusti, A., R. Cardoso, C. Durman, C. Fernández, K. Krueger, O. Makarynskyy, B. di Martino, T. Ozsoy, E. Schuepbach, J. Zubillaga. «How is the NAO and the European climate affected by a southward extension of the northern hemisphere sea ice in winter?». Paper presented for its publication at the NATO ASI on Numerical Modelling of the Global Atmosphere, Como, Italia, May-June 1998.

- Fernández, C., J.A. Souto, J.J. Casares, J.A. Fortes. «A postprocessing tool for uncertainty analysis of global circulation models». Advances in Computational Engineering Science, Atluri, S.N., Yagawa, G. (eds.). TechScience Press, Forsyth, Georgia, 1997, pp. 731-736.

- Borrego, C., A. Miranda, A. Carvalho, C. Fernández, J. Souto. «Impact of doubling CO2 concentration scenario in the air quality over Lisbon airshed: A contribution to subproject GLOREAM». Programa EUREKA Environmental Project EUROTRAC2. (sent for publication).

- Borrego, C., A.I. Miranda, A.C. Carvalho, J.A. Souto, C. Fernández Sánchez. «Impact of a doubling CO2 concentration scenario in the air quality over Lisbon airshed». II Workshop Project EUROTRAC2 GLOREAM, Madrid, September 1998. (sent for publication).

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