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e-Minder - Fifth European Community Framework Programme
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Period : 09 / 2001 - 09 / 2003
Budget : 4.345.317,51 Euros
Budget cesga: 1.670.813,65 Euros
Partners: SchlumbergerSema (España) - Coodinador Xeral do Proxecto Presidencia da Pomerania (Polonia)
  • USC - José Manuel Rivera, Antón Losada, Nieves Lagares.
  • UDC - Victor Gulías, Antonio Blanco, José Luis Freire
  • CESGA - Andrés Gómez Tato, Ramón Basanta Cheda, Diego Nieto Caride, Sergio Pazos Gonzalez, Carmen Cotelo Queijo, Ignacio J. Gómez Rodríguez

Description :

The main goal of European project e-MINDER ( is to bring the new technological knowledge that Information Society demands, more specifically dealing with SMEs (Small and Middle-sized Enterprises) e-commerce processes.

To meet this objective, a Network of regional European leveraging centres in Galicia (Spain), Pomerania (Poland - and Cyprus ( has been created. The three participant regions have similar characteristics: peripheral location, low level of development in ITC (Technologies of the Information and of the Communications) usage and its application, being SMEs the most predominant model of enterprise.

E-MINDER project aims at these basic objectives:

  • To encourage the introduction of SMEs in e-commerce process through the creation of leveraging centres among the three partner regions
  • To provide SMEs with useful and fair knowledge about new technologies and e-commerce.
  • To spread the activities of the centres and synchronise them with other centres that reached positive results.
  • At the end of the project, each centre will produce a reference manual for future leveraging centres.
Last Updated ( 01.12.2005 )
Master HPC


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Itanium Alliance Award


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