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CalcuNetw: Calculate Measurements in Complex Networks |
Filename: redes.tar.gz |
Filesize: 7.21 KB |
Description: This application calculates some characterization measurements in a given clompex network and compare it with a number of random networks given by the user.
The measurements calculated by the program are: the Subgraph Centrality (SC), SC odd , SC even, Bipartivity, Network Communicability (C(G)) and Network communicability for Connected Nodes.
This code has been developed for the HP-UX C compiler. Please make the modifications needed in the "compila" script for your compiler and architecture.
Technical report (.pdf)
If you have technical questions or problems to report send us an email ()
Created On:: 10.11.2006 13:30 |
Last updated on: 10.11.2006 13:47 |
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